O svemu pomalo
Rođen u Čačku 1953. godine. Osnovnu školu i Gimnaziju završio u Čačku. Studije elektrotehnike završio na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu. Na istom fakultetu je završio magistarske studije, a zvanje doktora tehničkih nauka stekao je na Tehničkom fakultetu u Čačku. Od 1977. do 1990. godine radio je u Institutu „Mihajlo Pupin“ u Beogradu u laboratoriji za Računsku tehniku. U periodu od 1990. do 2018. godine radio je na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Čačku, kada odlazi u penziju. Oblasti stručnog delovanja obuhvataju: Arhitekturu i organizaciju računara, Projektovanje digitalnih sistema, Operativne sisteme, Pametne senzore i njihove mreže, …
Odlaskom u penziju nije se odrekao struke. Ali našao je i druge zanimacije. Pre svega pisanje. Intenzivno piše sećanja na prošlost, detinjstvo, školovanje I radne aktivnosti. Posebno se rado seća putovanja i letovanja. Našlo se mesta i za istoriju računarstva na našim prostorima.
Računarstvo, kao životno opredeljenje i ljubav ima svoje mesto i u sadašnjosti. Piše o savremenom računarstvu. Tu su i tekstovi o različitim aspektima računarskog obrazovanja. Trideset godina rada u prosveti obavezuju ga da iznese svoje stavove o ovoj važnoj društvenoj oblasti.
Pored stručne literature puno čita i savremena književna dela. Ali ne zapostavlja ni vredna klasična literarna dela. Pomalo mu nedostaju koncerti klasične muzike i pozorište. I dobri stari klasični bioskop. Na sreću ili nažalost tu su televizija i Internet.
A little bit about everything
Born in Čačak in 1953. He finished elementary school and high school in Čačak. He completed his studies in electrical engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade. He completed his master’s studies at the same faculty, and acquired the title of doctor of technical sciences at the Technical Faculty in Čačak. From 1977 to 1990, he worked at the Mihajlo Pupin Institute in Belgrade in the Computer Engineering Laboratory. In the period from 1990 to 2018, he worked at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak, when he retired. Areas of expertise include: Computer Architecture and Organization, Digital Systems Design, Operating Systems, Smart Sensors and their Networks,…
By retiring, he did not renounce his profession. But he also found other occupations. First of all, writing. He intensively writes memories of the past, childhood, education and work activities. Especially fondly remembers traveling and vacationing. A place was also found for the history of computing in our region.
Computer science, as a life commitment and love, has its place even in the present. He writes about modern computing. There are also texts on various aspects of computer education. Thirty years of work in education oblige him to present his views on this important social area.
In addition to professional literature, he also reads a lot of contemporary literary works. But he does not neglect valuable classic literary works either. He misses classical music concerts and the theater a bit. And good old classic cinema. Fortunately or unfortunately, there is television and the Internet.