Vetroing Information System is an Internet WEB panel, where in one place you can see information related to VTG and AWS network, which consists of a large number of wind generators and automatic meteorological stations.

Basic terms and symbols used

Geo-Tag - Change of location

Dat-Tim - Date and time of sampling
Gen - The number of revolutions of the generator
ACV - Alternating voltage on the generator
DCV - DC voltage on a three-phase rectifier
DCA - Strength of direct current to consumers
Gtemp - Generator temperature

Dat-Tim - Date and time of sampling
Baro - Atmospheric pressure
Temp - Air temperature
Humi - Air humidity
Wind - Wind speed
SunL - Sunshine (percentage value of the current solar radiation in relation to the maximum possible)

                                                                        SW/ver. 24-05-15

TIM , Čačak 2024.